Welcome to the CHMS PTO!
This is a great portal of information to find news about upcoming events, access to the family directory, and a listing of important district links. You will also be able to visit the forms section to register for the PTO, purchase spirit lunch, request a PTO check reimbursement or buy a family brick to place in our school entryway.
The PTO sends a weekly update email with important dates and upcoming events each Sunday, to make sure you are receiving that newsletter, be sure to verify your information here.
Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.

Spring Spirit Week and Pep Rally
Happy almost Spring Break! We have Spirit Week the week of March 24th (please see spirit days above).
We are excited to bring back our annual spring all school Pep Rally on Friday, March 28th! The Pep Rally will be a staff and student volleyball game, as well as Soaring Strings performing. Please see the revised bell schedule here.
Reminder to Submit Planned Absences
School is closed Monday, March 31 - Friday, April 4 for Spring break. If you're traveling or know you'll miss any school days, please submit a planned absence(s) in advance HERE.
6th Grade Social – We Need You!
Hey 6th Grade Parents,
Big news—the PTO is sponsoring a 6th grade social in May! Just a few minor details we haven't figured out yet? The date... and the location. But don’t worry, we’ve got some fearless parents who have stepped up to plan the fun!
Now, we just need your help to pull it all together. Whether you’re a master organizer, a pro at herding middle schoolers, or just really good at signing permission slips, we’d love for you to join in.
SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER and help us make this event one to remember!
Thanks for being awesome!
7th Grade Social – seeking parent chaperones – May 17th
Hey 7th Grade Parents,
The PTO would like to host a social for our amazing 7th Graders! We're targeting late afternoon/evening of Saturday, May 17th at the Community House. We have parent volunteers to plan the event, but we need your support to chaperone our kids and make it a safe and successful event for all!
Could you and/or your spouse spare a couple of hours on May 17th? The PTO would like to secure volunteers by Friday, March 28th. Without proper parent support, we won't be able to run this fun event.
Let’s Make the End of the School Year Amazing Together!
What a fantastic turnout at this week’s PTO meeting at Tierra Distillery—our best yet! A huge thank you to everyone who joined us.
We want to hear from you! We’re gearing up for some exciting events to wrap up the school year, and we’d love for you to be part of the fun! If you have great ideas to help make CHMS even better or ways to keep our PTO moving forward, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email us at president@chmspto.org—big or small, every idea matters!
You'll find the minutes from the meeting here. Thanks for being such an amazing part of our CHMS community! Looking forward to an incredible end of the school year together!
Stuff the Squad at CHMS!
D181 and our local police department are hosting a Stuff the Squad event at CHMS on Wednesday, April 9th!
Please send students to school with a bag of non-perishable donations. Please see the list of donation items in the attached flyer.
Thank you for your support!
Community Speaker Series Presents Harlan Cohen
Registration is now open for the final event of the Community Speaker Series season! We are thrilled to welcome New York Times bestselling author and college success expert, Harlan Cohen, to our community. He will share his advice for achieving success by getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.
NEW for this event: Bring your teens! Teenage students are welcome and encouraged to attend our evening event on Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00pm in the Hinsdale Central Auditorium. We will also offer a second presentation for parents on Wednesday, April 30 at 9:00am at The Community House. As always, our events are free and open to all. Come out to connect, learn and enjoy!
Please note: We anticipate a strong turnout for these events and ask that you arrive early to allow ample time for parking and seating so that we can begin our events promptly and provide our audience with the maximum amount of time with Harlan.
Tuesday, April 29, 7:00pm-8:30pm, REGISTER HERE.
Wednesday, April 30, 9:00am-10:30am, REGISTER HERE.
Harlan Cohen has visited over 500 high school and college campuses, helping students, parents, and professionals navigate change and get comfortable with the uncomfortable. He is the author of seven books, including Win or Learn: The Naked Truth About Turning Every Rejection into Your Ultimate Success and The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run into In College. Harlan has over 1.5 million followers across his social media accounts and hosts The Harlan Cohen Podcast. See the attached flyer for more details.
D181 Student Registration 2025-2026 School Year
D181 registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open for current D181 students.
Please register your child as soon as possible. For step-by-step instructions, CLICK HERE.
Register by April to receive a $25 discount on registration fees.
*All current D181 students in Preschool/ECE and those entering Kindergarten through 8th grade for the 2025-2026 school year must complete the District registration and fee payment process (including the payment of all past due fees from the current school year).
Save the Date! May 18th, Walk the Walk at the Community House
The 18th Annual "Walk the Walk" is Sunday, May 18th at 9am!
The Color Walk is a one mile color walk that celebrates mental and physical wellness, access to mental health services, and ending the stigma associated with discussing mental health with friends, family and community! This is vibrant, fun easy walk for all ages.
Let's get a BIG turnout for CHMS! Mark your calendars and more info to follow!
Pizza War Tickets are SOLD OUT!
All pizza tickets have been sold, and there will be no tickets available at the door.
Families are still welcome to join us for the Eagle Jam Talent Show and enjoy an evening of entertainment—however, please note that Pizza tickets are no longer available.
We appreciate your enthusiasm and look forward to a fantastic event!
Invalid form.Join a Club Today!
Extracurriculars Start - Sept. 21 (3:15pm - 4:00pm)
Available Clubs and Activities
Buses are available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4:15pm
PTO Quick Links
School Calendar
2024/25 PTO Executive Board
Elaine Chen Gilman & Susie Thorpe
Co-Vice Presidents:
Treasurer: Julie Prieto
Asst. Treasurer: Margie Jeffords
VP Communications: Mira Coleman
Recording Secretary: Julie Kauffman
Webmaster/ToolKit: Corrine Natarelli